Kambo Frog Medicine: Everything You Need to Know.

A bizarre healing ritual called kambo has been sweeping the globe. This traditional Amazonian medicine produces nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms. Despite the discomfort, thousands of people swear by it as a panacea for physical, emotional and spiritual health benefits. Oh, and did we mention it comes from a frog? Once practiced […]
How to Choose a Kambo Practitioner

How to Choose a Kambo Practitioner Choosing a practitioner that is right for you is a critical decision that can make all the difference in what you get out of your kambo session. There are many reckless, negligent and inexperienced practitioners offering kambo. Be sure to do thorough research on a practitioner before deciding to […]
How to Get The Most Out of Your Kambo Experience: Preparation and Integration

So after months of researching this bizarre ritual, you have finally decided to take the leap and sign up for your first kambo session. You have read about the good, the bad and the ugly. You’ve watched videos on youtube, and it still didn’t scare you off. You’re committed to your path of growth, healing […]